Sooo..i heard that the most important members of newgrounds are making a kickstarter for the "once upon a time on the internet" documentary, and i would like to express something that i, sadly dint have the courage to express.
since i was a little kid, i always had a passion of making extrmely bizzare, wacky and disgusting character for the fun, even though i was labeled a weirdo por my artstyle and way to create characters.
i have many inspirations from the indie media, specially creators like edmund McMillen and toby Fox with games like undertale and The binding of isaac, internet series like the adventures of tankmen and suction cup man, and many, many indie games that make me impressed by their artstyles and ways to create histories, like Skullgirls, Hotline Miami, Blasphemous, deadcells, and a long list that i can put here because i could run out of letters.
is true the fact that i though creating a newgrounds page when im taking my art more passionately was not the best option, but honestly, i dont regret anything of doing it. I can finally post my art, my horrid characters and wacky creatures without having fear of being harassed and instead recevie constructive criticism of what are the things to improve with my art.
i dont really want to be pretentious, my characters are not meant to be taken that serious, but i always dreamt of doing something big with all thiss characters i been making. of course, i completely understand that im not famous or anything, right now, im doing this for fun and a way of expression so i can comprehend myself better.
making art has improved myself as the person im today, and indie media makes me know that there will be creative people in the world making characters like mines or even better ones. i repeat, im not an expert, neither a proffesional in character desing, but doing this characters helps me to improve myself and trying new things to draw, and i cant be more happy for that.
i, sadly wont be able to donate for the kickstarter project, but i still wanted to say thank you for all the people working on it, you make myself happy to know the love for this internet page is still and is masive, and thanks for all the indie media and creators i saw.
thank you Tom Fulp, thank you for this wonderfull page.
"Everything, By Everyone"